Don’t Get Tangled in Your TAS

With Vivacity’s 8-Week TAS Superhero Course discover amazing ways to make your Training and Assessment Strategies fly

Register now for this 

8-week intensive course to get your TAS compliant

Your investment $1000 

Limited Offer Just $500

Discount Coupon: COVID50%

NOTE: This is a SPECIAL LIMITED TIME OFFER, price increases on 1 August2020!


Your TAS does not have to stand for 
“Tension And Stress”! 

What’s going to make you and your TAS audit-proof? Because most RTOs don’t understand what makes a TAS compliant. The regulatory requirements make for complex and confusing reading. 

What are you meant to include? Who can you turn to? 

Vivacity and the TAS Superhero Course!

With modules and templates worth over $8000 that make creating your TAS calmer, this 8-week online training will save you time, money and anxiety. Step-by-step instructions see you write your own TAS. 

You’ll know how to break it down and build it back up again so that you can tick every regulatory box for Clauses 1.1 - 1.4 of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015.

With all this, you know that your superhero is doing the heavy lifting for you. An expert and experienced tutor. Audit-proof systems. Ready-to-use templates. Get the RTO superhero on your side.

Your Trainer

Angela Connell, Founder + CEO

Over 20 years experience as a Trainer/Assessor, RTO Manager, Compliance Manager and Auditor

Attended over 200 ASQA Audits and conducted over 300 audits

Experience in validating and writing TAS's for over 100 Training Products

Introducing The TAS Superhero Course

Here’s what you get:

This 8 week online course includes all the required training for writing your TAS

Access step-by-step instructions on how to write a training and assessment strategy.

Make your RTO meet ASQA compliance requirements.

Access the templates and knowledge to be able to write an effective TAS.

Understand the difference between RTO and CRICOS regulatory requirements. 

Identify the key skills your trainers and assessors must hold.

Learn how to write a staff matrix.

Access licensing requirements for your course or courses.

Identify how you will deliver your training and any equipment you need on site.

Understand how to break down each unit or session for your students.

TAS Compliance Training with an industry expert, 

Angela Connell, with 8 Modules of training including:



Get prepared and have a better understanding of the importance of your TAS to your organisation.


Learn the relevant compliance requirements and websites to access for ensuring compliance.


Identify the most effective industry consultation and how to implement into your TAS.


Choosing the relevant and compliant resources for your industry to meet your industry and student needs.


Step by step instructions for writing your DAP, ensuring quality training and assessment framework is in place.


Breaking down each training session to include the resources and structure that is easy for your Trainer to follow.

STAFF MATRIX + PD (Professional Development) PLAN

How to ensure your trainers have sufficient skills and knowledge to meet the training product requirements.


Bringing all your data together, a final audit compiling everything to ensure you have a compliant TAS.

VALUE for Training: $4,500


These templates have been developed over 20 years to meet the ever changing compliance requirements 

against the Standards for RTOs and the National Code, which you will not only access these templates during the course, but you will also learn how to use the tools during the TAS Superhero Course.

Training and Assessment Strategy Template 

Your training and assessment strategy is one of the most important documents you will ever create for your RTO.

Delivery & Assessment Plan 

Designed to guide the trainer on how to deliver your training, with a timetable of your training and assessment

Industry Consultation Survey  

Developed to meet the requirements of clauses 1.5 and 1.6 for effective industry consultation, collecting data for improving your training and assessment.

Trainers Matrix with PD Plan  

The key document for demonstrating that your trainer has sufficient skills and knowledge to meet the compliance requirements.

Assessment and Validation Schedule  

Ensuring compliance with clause 1.9 for Validation, with a Schedule for your validation of your assessment tools within a 5-year period.

Course Flyer Template  

Meet the marketing requirements of clauses 4.1, 5.1-5.2 and ensuring that your marketing is compliant and aligns with your TAS.

VALUE for Templates: $3,900

***No more being outdated, or worrying about whether you are non-compliant with the Standards or having your registration cancelled due to non-compliance***

Access everything you need to know in one course and learn about how to be compliant by implementing what you have learnt in your own time, online at your desk, no need to attend training off-site.


Save hundreds of hours of frustration due to not understanding your compliance requirements.

Save thousands of dollars by choosing the correct resources for your training.

Access the latest knowledge and compliance Standards in the RTO and CRICOS industry from and industry expert.

Learn from our thousands of hours and years of experience writing and auditing TAS’s

Protect your TAS from being non compliant at audit and possible risk of remedial action and associated costs with rectifying non-compliance's

Access insights, research and knowledge from over 20 years of experience, which you can use time and again across your full scope of registration.


Register now for this 8-week intensive “TAS Superhero” course 

to ensure that your TAS is compliant with the Standards.

Your investment $1000 

Limited Offer Just $500

Enter Discount Coupon at Checkout: COVID50%

NOTE: This is a SPECIAL LIMITED TIME OFFER, price increases on 1 August 2020!

What others like you are saying:

"My colleague and I attended Vivacity's RTO Compliance Workshop, delivered by Angela Connell, in Melbourne. We have been referring to the information we learnt ever since and promoting this development opportunity to our team at CFA Learning & Development, South West region of Victoria. 

It felt like dark glasses had been removed, and I now feel confident in ensuring that our training materials and processes are compliant."

Sharon Linke

Manager, Learning & Development

CFA Training

“The reason I chose Vivacity above anyone else was that they were the only consultancy company willing to disrupt their business model to accommodate the 1st July 2018 deadline imposed by ASQA for initial registrations.

The Vivacity Team successfully coached me through the initial registration process, and later through an appeal lodged with the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT). I found the entire team highly professional and accommodating. Their knowledge of VET and The AAT was first rate and if it wasn’t for Vivacity and the team I would not have gained registration. 

They provided all the documents and resources needed for initial registration and a later AAT appeal. The various templates were excellent and were in part complimented by ASQA.

The comment of the ASQA Auditor during initial registration, that the documents provided by Vivacity were first rate, gave me great confidence and comfort that I was in good hands with Vivacity.” 

I would not hesitate to recommend Vivacity to any organisation or person who is contemplating registration as an RTO.”

Greg Byrne

Multisec Training

“Angela and the Vivacity team helped us get our RTO registered with ASQA which we are so excited about. Her knowledge, experience and understanding of the processes, regulations and legislation were invaluable and honestly, we couldn’t have done it without her. We would recommend her to anyone in a heartbeat! 

We look forward to launching our CRICOS registration next and hope to work with Angela and Vivacity again in the future.”

Marcello Colosimo

CEO Momento Hospitality, Hospitality Institute of NSW, Bella Vista NSW

“On behalf of the MEA Board and myself I would like to thank you all for your support, guidance and work in making this happen for Meetings & Events Australia.

I must say that when I started the process it was overwhelming and very stressful. I thought that MEA had no hope in being renewed as a RTO. This could not have been achieved this without the Vivacity team.

It has been a very pleasant experience working with you. Your organisation is informed, professional and experienced in all that is RTO.

MEA looks forward to continuing to work with you to ensure that MEA remains compliant and up to date with all the changes that occur in delivering education to the meetings and events industry.”

Robyn Johnson

Chief Executive Officer, Meetings Events Australia, North Sydney NSW

“I would like to thank you for the expertise and commitment you provided during our recent response to an official complaint received by ASQA against our RTO.

Your guidance and expertise enabled us to respond successfully to a number of non-compliance's identified during the ASQA complaint investigation. These included re writing our Training and Assessment Strategy, re writing assessment material, describing accurately our trainers’ credentials and clarifying information distributed to students prior to enrolment.

This enabled our organisation to be deemed compliant and to avoid an ASQA decision to imposed sanction and remove one of our qualifications from our scope.

Vivacity has been our compliance partner since October 2013 and has greatly assisted us in day-to-day management of compliance and successful re registration in 2016.

I would have no reservations recommending your services to other RTO’s and look forward to working with you into the future.”

James Ward

General Manager, NSW Fishing Industry Training Committee Ltd, Woy Woy NSW

“I have used Vivacity Coaching & Consulting to undertake our initial application and audit. Fantastic!

Now that we are running with wet sales, Vivacity is always there for advice.

As an annual member they provide us with all the current RTO forms and documents specific for our company.

I have had the occasion to use Vivacity to undertake the add to scope process for new units and courses. This has been absolutely amazing, as they work you through all the documents and build the background, where we only need to add relevant information. Never a problem with approvals.

I can highly recommend Vivacity for any RTO in any field, as they make compliance and operating an RTO a sane process!

If you are out there trying to do it all by yourself, take off the rose coloured glasses and at least become a member with Vivacity, you will never look back!

Give Angela and her team a call.”

Dave Hitcock

Chief Executive Officer, Fireground, Dorrigo NSW

“Angela is very knowledgeable about the Education & Training industry. Angela’s expertise, energy, enthusiasm, professionalism and condor make her a stand out in her chosen field. Her work at our college ensured that it met the strict requirements to be on the Approved Provider List under the DET requirements. Angela seems always committed to deliver high quality work, on-time with a professional and friendly attitude. I can certainly recommend Angela’s work.”

Kapil Dogra

Chief Executive Officer, United World College, Sydney NSW

“Angela’s knowledge and understanding of the VET sector is a great support, often breaking down complex issues into small achievable objectives to complete to reach our goal. 

I would highly recommend Angela’s services to any RTO who wants to be a leader in providing best practice training and showing a high level of compliance”

Kael Cooper

Business Development Manager, International Child Care College, Broadmeadow NSW

"The Vivacity team are extremely knowledgeable and helpful. We recently added a course to scope and with Amanda’s experience, expertise and guidance we felt prepared. The team was extremely helpful through the process and We launched our newest course with complete confidence. 

As a small RTO the weeks are hectic and compliance can be overwhelming (and confusing!) but with Vivacity behind us I know I have a good structure to follow and I can call them anytime and ask anything. No question is too complex or simple."

Kylie Jordan

RTO Manager, Ettinghausens


Register now for this 8-week intensive “TAS Superhero” course 

to ensure that your TAS is compliant with the Standards.

Your investment $1000

Limited Offer Just $500

Enter Discount Coupon at checkout to get 50% off: COVID50%

NOTE: This is a SPECIAL LIMITED TIME OFFER, price increases on 1 August 2020!